60 research outputs found

    Beberapa tari upacara dalam masyarakat Bali

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    Buku ini berisi tentang beberapa tari upacara dalam masyarakat bali beserta latar belakang dan sejarah penyebarannya.Tujuan penulisan buku ini adalah merekam dan menyebarluaskan inforinasi tentang aneka ragam budaya Indonesia, khususnya yang menampilkan ke lndonesiaan dan mengandung nilai-nilai budaya yang patut dibanggakan serta mempunyai daya tarik bagi pengembangan wisata budaya serta meningkatkan perhati-an, minat, dan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap budaya bangsa yang mempunyai potensi sebagai sasaran wisata budaya

    Arthroscopy pull through for management of eminentia tibia fracture in 15 years old adolescent: a case report

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    Tibial eminence fractures are rare injuries. Multiple treatment techniques are described and there is a lack of consensus with regard to the choice of treatment. In this case, we present the left eminentia tibia fracture which stabilized using arthroscopy pull through technique in a 15 years old male adolescent. A male 15 years old adolescent complained of pain on his left knee after climbing a tree and jumped with his left knee in hyperextention. On physical examination, tenderness was felt around the apex of patella. Left knee X-Ray confirmed a fracture of eminentia tibia. On arthroscopic evaluation, there was a fracture of medial eminentia tibia meyers and mckeever IIIA. The fractures were treated by using 1 mm ethibond which was inserted through the anterior cruciate ligament and pull through the tibia plateau. 10 weeks evaluation after the procedure, patient was able to walk independently with full weight bearing and was able to flex his knee in 130˚ and full extension without any pain. Management of displaced fracture of eminentia tibia is somewhat controversial and the ideal method of fixation has not been defined. In this patient, there were perfect anatomic and functional outcome without any serious complication. Arthroscopic reduction and internal fixation by pull through suture provide perfect anatomic and functional outcome for displaced type II and type III tibial eminence fracture

    Android-Based Learning Media in Supporting the Recovery of Science Learning Class VII

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    Abstrak: Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan menjabarkan efektivitas produk pengembangan media berbasis android dalam mendukung pemulihan pembelajaran sistem organisasi kehidupan yang dianalisis oleh ahli, guru dan siswa. Rancangan penelitian ini berbasis pengembangan berorientasi pada model Borg dan Gall yang direduksi menjadi lima tahapan. Hasil penelitian meliputi merancang dan membangun media pembelajaran IPA melalui lima tahapan. Penilaian media dari ahli isi dan ahli media memberikan tanggapan yang sangat baik. Hal yang sama dengan hasil pengujian media kepada guru dan siswa, kategori sangat baik diberikan oleh guru terhadap media dengan persentase 99 persen dan uji coba kelas memberikan persentase 97 persen dengan kategori sangat baik. Media yang telah dikembangkan memberikan efektivitas melalui uji coba pra eksperimen terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik dan media pembelajaran efektif membantu pemulihan proses pembelajaran pada materi sistem organisasi kehidupan. Abstract: This research aims to describe the effectiveness of android-based media development products in supporting the restoration of learning organizational life systems analyzed by experts, teachers, and students. This research design is development-oriented based on the Borg and Gall model, reduced to five stages. The research results include designing and building science learning media through five steps. Media assessments from content experts and media experts gave an excellent response. The same thing with the results of media testing for teachers and students; the teacher provided the outstanding category to the media with a percentage of 99 percent, and the class trial gave a rate of 97 percent with an exceptional variety. The media that has been developed provides effectiveness through pre-experimental practices on student learning outcomes, and effective learning media helps restore the learning process of life organization systems


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    This study aims to analyze the criminal policy in the field of land against customary land conflicts and the criminal policy regarding efforts to overcome conflicts over customary land tenure. The method used is normative legal research with a statutory approach, a library approach, a case approach and a concept approach. The materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary data sources, and then analyzed using legal hermeneutic interpretation techniques. As a result of analysis, it shows that the Criminal Policy in the Field of Land Against Customary Land Conflict is the act of the perpetrators both individually and in groups can result in losses not harmonizing the local indigenous community, there is a criminal nature against the law so that there are perpetrators subject to criminal sanctions in the form of basic penalties namely; as regulated and threatened in Article 10 of the Criminal Code in the form of basic sentences namely the death penalty, imprisonment, confinement and fines and additional penalties for revocation of certain rights, the seizure of certain items and the announcement of a judge's decision. In conclusion, the criminal aspect in every customary conflict is always trailing because usually in customary conflict there are parties who force the will to intersect with customary issues so that they can disturb public order until there is a criminal nature against the law


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    Burn injury is one of the challenging cases in medical practice, which need comprehensive and multidiscipline management. Pain management is one of an important factors in caring for the burn patient. Pain management in burn injury is challenging and the patient may be at risk for undertreatment. Undertreated severe acute pain can lead to adverse consequences of many organ systems, delay recovery and discharge process, and potentially lead to chronic pain. Reports of inadequate pain relief persist, although there are advances in the acute pain management in recent years.An understanding of pain pathway can achieve effective burn injury pain management, types of pain in burn injury, analgesics selection, continuous and accurate assessment of the pain and the response to therapy, dose adjustment to achieve maximum effect and minimal side effect, and role of nonpharmacological treatment as a complement to medication. Acute pain service plays an important role in providing effective burn injury pain management for reducing morbidity and mortality


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    This article explains the other meaning of costs in the Traditional Ceremony that took place in the Ubud Village. The purpose of this article is actually to uncover the other side of the cost of the “Pelebon Ceremony” in the Puri Agung Ubud Family. The costs incurred for the implementation of the Pelebon Ceremony are very expensive because it uses many symbols, such as: Bade, Lebu, Tragtag, Banten, pigs and supported by thousands of Ubud people. This article includes qualitative research written using a phenomenological approach through interviews with several important informants. This article succeeded in identifying three other meanings of the costs incurred in the Pelebon Ceremony in Puri Agung Ubud, namely: the concept of Rna (debt), the identity of social strata and family gathering event

    Antioxidant properties of topical Caulerpa sp. extract on UVB-induced photoaging in mice

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    Caulerpa sp., a genus of seaweed native to the Indo-Pacific region, has been known for its antioxidant properties and health benefits when consumed as food. Previous studies have reported Caulerpa sp.’s potential as a strong antioxidant, but its effects on the skin in a topical preparation, especially its role in UV protection, have not been studied extensively. Our study investigated the protective effects of 0.2% and 0.4% Caulerpa sp. extract gels on photoaging in the UVB-irradiated skin of Wistar mice. The subjects were divided into naive control, vehicle control, and 3 treatment groups (0.2% Caulerpa sp. extract gel, 0.4% Caulerpa sp. extract gel, and 0.02% astaxanthin gel as a standard antioxidant). The groups, except the naive control group, received a total of 840 mJ/cm2 of UVB irradiation in four weeks. Protective effects of the extract were measured through the evaluation of collagen expression, MMP-1 expression and levels, and 8-OhDG expression. Mice who received topical application of Caulerpa sp. extract gel had higher collagen expression, betterpreserved collagen structure, lower levels of MMP-1, and less MMP-1 and 8-OHdG expressions compared to the vehicle control group. There was no difference between different concentrations of the extract. Our findings demonstrated that topical application of Caulerpa sp. extract gel significantly protected UVB-irradiated mice skin from photoaging

    Pengaruh Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Integrasi Kompetensi Hard skill, Soft Skill Lulusan Akuntansi

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    Peranan kompetensi hard skill dan soft skill dalam menunjang kinerja amat penting. Kedua kompetensi ini saling melengkapi, karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi hard skill terhadap kinerja mahasiswa, (2) Menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi soft skill terhadap kinerja mahasiswa. (3) Menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi hard skill dan soft skill secara simultan terhadap kinerja mahasiswa. (4) Menganalisis integrasi kompetensi hard skill dan soft skill untuk meningkatkan kinerja mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik kuesioner. Sampel mahasiswa diambil secara purposive sampling dengan syarat tertentu dengan partisipan dari industri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif (regresi linear berganda) dan analisis kualitatif. Hasil analisis data dengan signifikansi 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi hard skill berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja mahasiswa. Kompetensi soft skill berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja mahasiswa. Kompetensi hard skill dan soft skill secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja mahasiswa. Persepsi industri tentang kompetensi hard skill, soft skill dan kinerja mahasiswa sangat baik. Untuk menunjang kinerja mahasiswa D4 Akuntansi Manajerial, maka diperlukan integrasi antara kompetensi hard skill dan soft skill sehingga saling melengkapi agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri dewasa ini


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    Fotografi menjadi salah satu wahana untuk berekspresi dengan pemanfaatan objek yang berada di sekitar kita. Selain itu, juga dapat menjadi media yang menceritakan sesuatu yang layak untuk banyak orang ketahui. Foto demikian dikenal dengan fotografi jurnalistik. Foto jurnalistik merupakan salah satu jenis fotografi yang mengedepankan realitas dan juga akan menjadi penentu suatu surat kabar akan dibaca atau tidak oleh seseorang. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah mengetahui bagaimana penerapan fotografi jurnalistik pada surat kabar Denpost. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui beberapa foto yang termuat di surat kabar Denpost, ditemukan bahwa fotografi jurnalistik masih belum diterapkan dengan baik secara ilmu, keterampilan, dan teknologi. Hal ini dikarenakan para wartawan yang belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mumpuni dalam fotografi jurnalistik maupun dasar fotografi. Selain itu, wartawan menggunakan kamera telepon genggam untuk mengambil gambar yang mengakibatkan beberapa gambar terlihat tidak menarik. Melalui hal ini, penulis akan menunjukkan bagaimana fotografi jurnalistik dibuat. Pembuatan fotografi jurnalistik menggunakan teori, teknik, dan komposisi yang tepat, sehingga tercipta fotografi yang tidak hanya bernilai berita namun juga memiliki daya tarik yang mampu memikat pembaca. Harapannya, Denpost akan mampu meningkatkan penerapan fotografi jurnalistik untuk menggugah para pembacanya ke depannya

    Lipschutz Ulcer in A Virgin Woman: A Case Report

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    Background: Lipschutz ulcer, also known as vulvae acutum ulcer, is an acute ulcer in the vulva. The aetiology and pathogenesis of Lipschutz ulcer are unclear, but it is known to be associated with infectious diseases such as Mycoplasma infection, paratyphoid fever, influenza A, and most infections with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). This ulcer appears in adolescent females aged 14–20 years old, with 70% of cases occurring in virgin women. Purpose: To review the causes of non-Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) ulcers, so clinicians can establish an accurate diagnosis and rational therapy; therefore, minimizing the psychological impact on the patient due to possible misdiagnosis of STD-induced ulcer. Case: A painful wound in the genital area of a 20-year-old virgin woman. She was diagnosed with Lipshutz ulcer and vulvovaginal candidiasis based on the anamnesis, physical examination, and laboratory examination obtained from vaginal discharge using potassium hydroxide, Gram staining, and blood test to exclude genital ulcer caused by the sexually transmitted agent. A blood test was taken, including the serological tests for syphilis and genital herpes. Tests for EBV were also performed. The patient was treated only with single-dose fluconazole 150 mg orally and saline compress on the ulcer. Genital ulcer and vaginal discharge improved one week after treatment. Discussion:  Lipshutz ulcer management is symptomatic, usually self-limiting, and disappears spontaneously within 1–2 weeks without recurrences. It can also occur as a single lesion with possible coinfection of other agents, for example, candidiasis, which in this case, requires treatment of comorbidities. Hygiene factors play an essential role in preventing occurrence of the secondary infection and further development of the disease. Conclusion: The diagnosis of Lipshutz ulcer is mainly based on clinical manifestation after excluding several possible ulcers that can affect the genital area, including sexually transmitted infections